The Universe Has a Type

How to Become the Universe's Type:

In the grand tapestry of the cosmos, each of us is a unique thread, woven with distinct preferences and inclinations. Just as individuals have their own "types" or preferences in relationships, the universe, too, has a way of attracting and aligning with those who understand and embody its fundamental laws. At the heart of this cosmic attraction is Venus, the planet of love and attraction in astrology. Understanding your Venus sign can offer profound insights into how you draw opportunities and experiences into your life. But to truly become the universe’s type, you must align with certain cosmic principles and laws.

Understanding Cosmic Attraction

The universe operates on a system of attraction. This means that what we experience in life is not merely a product of chance but is often a reflection of our vibrational frequency and alignment with universal laws. By understanding these laws, you can become a more resonant match to the blessings and opportunities the universe wants to offer you.

The Seven Hermetic Laws

To navigate this journey, it's crucial to understand the seven Hermetic laws, which are foundational to the universe's structure and function. These laws were passed down through the teachings of Hermes Trismegistus and are detailed in the ancient text, "The Kybalion." Here’s a brief overview of each:

  1. The Law of Mentalism: This law posits that "The All is Mind." Essentially, everything in our reality is a mental creation of the universal mind. Our thoughts and perceptions shape our experiences, meaning that if you can conceive it in your mind, you can manifest it into reality.

  2. The Law of Correspondence: Captured by the phrase "As Above, So Below; As Below, So Above," this law suggests that there is a correspondence between different planes of existence. What happens in the cosmos is reflected on Earth and vice versa. This is why astrology is so impactful; it mirrors the cosmic patterns in our personal lives.

  3. The Law of Vibration: According to this law, "Nothing rests; everything moves; everything vibrates." Everything in the universe is in a constant state of motion and vibrates at its own frequency. This includes not just living beings but inanimate objects as well.

  4. The Law of Polarity: This law asserts that everything has its poles, and each pole is simply an extreme of the same thing. For instance, heat and cold are two extremes of temperature, and understanding this polarity helps us navigate life’s dualities.

  5. The Law of Rhythm: This law highlights the cyclical nature of everything. Life flows in and out, rises and falls, and follows predictable patterns. Recognizing these cycles—whether in nature, personal growth, or emotional states—can help you align with the natural flow of life.

  6. The Law of Cause and Effect: Also known as the Law of Karma, this principle states that every action has a corresponding reaction. Nothing happens by chance; every cause has an effect, and every effect has a cause. Understanding this helps in making conscious choices that lead to desired outcomes.

  7. The Law of Gender: This law indicates that everything has both masculine and feminine principles. These principles work together to create balance and harmony in the universe. Understanding this balance helps in aligning with both creative and receptive aspects of life.

Becoming the Universe’s Type

Once you have a grasp of these cosmic laws, the next step is to align yourself with them to become the universe’s type.

Here are some practical ways to embody these principles:

  1. Align with Cosmic Laws: Start by integrating the Hermetic laws into your daily life. This means recognizing the power of your thoughts (Mentalism), understanding the reflection between different planes of existence (Correspondence), and moving in harmony with the natural rhythms of life (Rhythm).

  2. Seek Divine Alignment: The universe is highly attracted to those who are in divine alignment. This means having your thoughts, beliefs, emotions, and actions working in harmony. Being aligned makes you a clear channel for divine guidance and allows you to manifest more effectively.

  3. Overcome Limiting Beliefs: Misalignment often stems from limiting beliefs and unconscious patterns. Reflect on your beliefs and ask yourself why you might be holding back from pursuing your true desires. Engage in practices that promote self-awareness and healing to address these blocks.

  4. Embrace Free Expression: The universe values free expression and creativity. Allow yourself to dance, sing, and express yourself freely. This authenticity helps you resonate more deeply with cosmic energy.

  5. Pursue Conscious Awareness: The journey to becoming the universe’s type often involves seeking hidden knowledge and becoming aware of unconscious patterns. Whether through spiritual practices, journaling, or seeking guidance from mentors, increase your consciousness to remove obstacles and embrace your true potential.

  6. Regulate Your Nervous System: Sometimes, the blocks to our desires are rooted in the nervous system’s trauma response. Engage in practices that help regulate your emotions and nervous system, such as somatic exercises or emotional regulation techniques, to prepare your body for new levels of abundance.

  7. Cultivate Gratitude and Abundance: The universe responds to gratitude and an abundance mindset. Recognize and appreciate the blessings in your life, and shift your focus from lack to abundance. This perspective attracts more positive experiences and opportunities.

  8. Take Intentional Action: The universe rewards intentional action over mere busyness. Set clear goals and follow your intuition towards actions that align with your highest joy and excitement. This approach demonstrates to the universe that you are serious about your desires and willing to invest in yourself.

  9. Unite and Elevate Collective Consciousness: The universe is drawn to those who contribute to raising collective consciousness. By aligning your actions with the greater good and supporting the collective evolution, you become a magnet for divine support.


Becoming the universe’s type is a journey of aligning with cosmic laws, embracing your true self, and taking intentional action towards your goals. By understanding and embodying the fundamental principles of the universe, you position yourself to receive its abundant blessings. Remember, the universe is expansive and ever-evolving, and as you grow and evolve, you become a powerful conduit for its natural mission of awakening and expansion.

Embrace these cosmic principles, and let your journey towards alignment be a path of self-discovery, growth, and boundless possibilities.


The Law of Mentalism


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