The Law of Mentalism

In the vast and intricate tapestry of existence, every facet of reality—be it the car you drive, the home you live in, or the technology you use—is fundamentally a creation of the mind. The reality we inhabit is not just a physical construct but a materialization of thoughts and ideas. When we create, we are aligning with our true nature, channeling the inherent creative force within us. Conversely, when we cease to create, we often find ourselves in a state of deep rest, which, in modern parlance, is sometimes termed as depression. Understanding this interplay between creation and rest is crucial for reclaiming our power and transforming our lives.

The Impact of Thoughts on Our Reality

Our current life circumstances are a direct reflection of the thoughts we have entertained up to this point. The life you are living now is shaped by the choices and thoughts of your past. This includes the very circumstances of your birth, the parents you chose, and the life experiences you’ve encountered—even the challenging ones. The essence of this realization is that past versions of ourselves, whether consciously or unconsciously, have guided us to our present moment through our thoughts and mental states.

To fully reclaim and harness our personal power, we must first recognize the Law of Mentalism, one of the seven Hermetic Principles outlined in The Kybalion. This principle posits that "The All is Mind" and that the universe itself is mental in nature. Embracing this truth sets the foundation for mastering other universal laws. By understanding the mental nature of the universe, we hold the master key to transformation and mastery. Without this understanding, our quest for mastery remains incomplete, and we may find ourselves knocking in vain at the doors of the temple of knowledge.

Thoughts as Senses and Energies

Thoughts, in their essence, can be viewed as a form of sensory experience—akin to sights, sounds, and smells. Just as we pick up sensory data from our environment, we also receive and are influenced by thoughts from the people around us. This is why surrounding ourselves with positive, growth-oriented individuals is crucial. Their thoughts and energies can uplift us, whereas negative or stagnant energies can limit our own growth. The thoughts we pick up from our surroundings can influence us deeply, often without us realizing where they originated.

Furthermore, environments themselves are encoded with past experiences. The places we feel drawn to or the ones that evoke certain memories are often linked to past life experiences or significant past events. Thoughts can also become entities in their own right. When we focus our mental energy on particular ideas or fears, we can inadvertently create thought forms that manifest in our reality. For instance, dwelling on negative fears or anxieties can actually bring those very energies into our lives.

The Quantum Nature of Thoughts and the Akashic Records

Nikola Tesla, a pioneer of modern science, once remarked that his brain was merely a receiver of universal knowledge, implying that there is a core source from which we draw information and inspiration. In spiritual terms, this core is often referred to as the Akashic Records—a divine repository of all universal knowledge and experiences. This cosmic library exists beyond the constraints of time, allowing us to tap into a wealth of information at any moment.

Our universe operates in a quantum state where time is non-linear. This understanding allows us to heal past traumas and connect with our inner child by sending love and healing energy to past versions of ourselves. By accessing these non-linear memories and experiences, we can transform our present realities and move forward with greater clarity and purpose.

Manifestation and Self-Concept

To create our desired reality, we need to align our internal state with our external manifestations. This means that our self-concept—our beliefs, thoughts, and perceptions about ourselves—plays a critical role in shaping our behavior, emotions, and overall well-being. Often, our conscious goals are thwarted by subconscious beliefs and thoughts. Reprogramming these subconscious patterns is essential for achieving success and manifesting our desires.

Misalignment occurs when there is a discrepancy between what we consciously want and what our subconscious beliefs support. Achieving alignment involves ensuring that our thoughts, feelings, and actions are congruent with our desired outcomes. This requires ongoing self-exploration, shadow work, and trauma healing to continually evolve and adapt our identity to match our goals.

The Role of Imagination and Mental Alchemy

Imagination is a powerful tool for creation. By focusing mental energy on imaginative and positive constructs, we can create and manifest our ideal realities. Conversely, when our imagination weakens, we risk becoming passive participants in a pre-established reality, rather than active creators of our own destiny.

Mental alchemy—the process of transforming mental states and conditions—demonstrates the profound power we hold over our physical and energetic environments. Advanced mental alchemists can influence natural phenomena and project their consciousness into different realms to extract valuable information. The collective focus on constructive, unified goals rather than divisive issues like politics and religion can exponentially increase our collective creative power.

Practical Applications of Mental Power

Understanding and mastering the law of mentalism allows us to utilize our mental power in practical ways. For instance, during conversations, we can consciously send positive, healing energy to others, creating a ripple effect of blessings and uplifting their energy. Conversely, we can establish energetic boundaries to protect ourselves from negative influences.

David Hawkins’ Map of Consciousness provides a framework for understanding emotional and mental states. By elevating our emotions and perceptions from lower states like guilt and shame to higher states like love and enlightenment, we align ourselves with the creative power of the universe. Shifting our mental narratives to one of grace, kindness, and love enhances our ability to manifest and create effectively.


Mastering the law of mentalism involves understanding the profound impact of our thoughts and aligning them with our highest aspirations. By recognizing the mental nature of our universe, reprogramming our subconscious, and utilizing the power of imagination, we can transform our realities and reclaim our innate creative abilities. Embrace the principle that the universe is a reflection of our minds, and take radical accountability for the life you wish to create. In doing so, you will not only craft your own beautiful reality but also contribute to the collective evolution and enhancement of the world.

I hope this exploration into the Law of Mentalism has illuminated your path and inspired you to harness the power of your thoughts to create a reality that resonates with your deepest desires.

Until next time, may your journey be filled with creativity, purpose, and transformative growth.


The Flow State


The Universe Has a Type