The Power of Vibration

Why Low Vibes See the Worst in You and High Vibes Reflect the Best in You.

The Truth About Misunderstanding: It’s Not About You

Ever feel like no matter what you do, someone just doesn’t get you? They misjudge you, misunderstand you, or see you in the worst possible light. Here’s something important to remember: it’s not about you. It’s all a reflection of their vibration.

People’s perceptions of you are shaped by the energy they carry. When someone operates from a low vibration, their inner world -rooted in fear, insecurity, and judgment -creates a lens that distorts how they see others, including you. So, the next time you feel misunderstood or misjudged, take a deep breath. It’s a reflection of their energy, not your essence.

The Low Vibration Trap: Fear and Insecurity

When someone’s vibration is low, they’re operating from a place of fear and insecurity. Their inner world feels stuck in lack, making it difficult for them to see the world through anything but a narrow, judgmental lens.

This isn’t just about how they see the world; it’s about how they see themselves. People projecting their own fears and unhealed wounds onto others is a common pattern when their vibration is low. They can't see beyond their own limiting beliefs, so they fail to see your true potential and instead create a distorted version of who you are.

The Power of a High Vibration: Reflecting the Best in Others

Now let’s talk about the flip side: when your vibration is high.

When you’re operating at a higher frequency, you naturally see the best in others. You’re able to look beyond surface-level flaws and recognize people’s highest potential, even when they’re not living up to it yet.

This high vibration doesn’t just make you more compassionate; it also allows you to reflect the best in others. It’s like holding a mirror to their higher selves, showing them who they have the potential to be. And that’s why people often say after a breakup, “I was the best part about them.” Your energy reflected a version of them that they may not have been able to see on their own.

Compassion vs. Tolerating Bad Behavior: Finding Your Balance

Seeing someone’s potential doesn’t mean you have to tolerate bad behavior. This is where your high vibration becomes a superpower. Compassion for someone’s potential does not equate to allowing them to mistreat you or disrespect your boundaries.

It’s important to recognize that you can hold space for someone’s growth without compromising your own values and self-respect. High vibration is about finding a balance between compassion and maintaining your own boundaries. You can love someone for their potential and still walk away if their actions don’t align with your own energy.

How to Protect Your Energy: Don’t Internalize Their Projections

What happens when someone’s low vibration starts to affect how they see you? First, remember: don’t internalize their projections. It’s not about you, it’s about where they are energetically.

Here’s how to protect your energy in these situations:

  • Don’t take it personally. People’s negative perceptions are rooted in their own fears and wounds.

  • Disengage from negativity. If someone is consistently bringing you down with their energy, it’s okay to step away.

  • Hold space for compassion without lowering your own vibe. You can wish them well and still maintain your own high frequency.

By taking these steps, you prevent their low vibration from impacting your own energy and reality.

The Magic of Staying High Vibe: Transmitting Your Energy

Here’s where the magic happens: When you maintain a high vibration, you naturally transmit that energy to those around you. By staying grounded in your own energy, you can inspire others to rise and see themselves differently.

Even if they don’t fully rise to your level, you’ve reclaimed your power by not letting their low vibration define your reality. Your high vibe acts as a beacon, guiding others who are ready to meet you at that level. And remember, the energy you put out will always return to you.

The Bottom Line: Low vs. High Vibes

So, let’s recap:

  • Low vibrations see the worst in you, because they’re reflecting their own insecurities and fears.

  • High vibrations reflect the best in others, because they’re able to see the highest potential of those around them.

Remember, your vibe is your power. Keep it high, protect it fiercely, and never let anyone’s low energy diminish it.

The more you embody your best self, the more you create an environment where others can do the same. Stay grounded, stay high vibe, and let your energy be the mirror that reflects the best in everyone you encounter.


Neurodivergent Minds & Artistic Expression


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