Feeling Is The Secret

Understanding the Power of Feeling in Manifestation

Have you ever pondered why our deepest cravings are not for the physical items or situations themselves, but for the feelings we believe they will bring us? This understanding is transformative in the world of manifestation. Once you realize that you can evoke these feelings right now, regardless of your current circumstances, you become a master of your own reality.

The Profound Teachings of "Feeling is the Secret" by Neville Goddard

Greetings, fellow seekers of truth and wisdom! Today, we embark on an enlightening journey through Neville Goddard’s seminal work, "Feeling is the Secret." This concise yet profound book can be read in about an hour, but its wisdom can be a lifelong guide. Goddard’s insights into the nature of reality and the power of feeling are revolutionary, offering a deep understanding of how we can manifest our desires through the conscious control of our inner states.

The Core Principle: The Law of Assumption

At the heart of Goddard’s teachings is the law of assumption. This principle is elegantly simple yet incredibly powerful: assume the feeling of your wish fulfilled. Believing and feeling that what you desire already exists will attract it into your experience. This is because your inner state, the feelings you nurture within, always manifests as your outer reality.

Goddard asserts that feeling is the core of all creation. It is not enough to merely think positively or visualize your desires; you must feel the reality of those desires as if they are already true. This is the secret that transforms wishes into tangible experiences.

The Mystical Power of Present Tense Affirmations

One of the profound insights from "Feeling is the Secret" is the importance of present tense affirmations. When we speak of our desires in the future tense, such as "I will be," we perpetuate the experience of wanting and lack. Instead, using affirmations in the present tense— "I am," "I do," and "I have"—shifts our consciousness to a state of having, creating an immediate resonance with our desires.

For example, if you wish to manifest abundance, affirming "I am abundant" creates a feeling of abundance now, rather than in some distant future. This aligns your energy with the frequency of abundance, attracting it into your life with greater ease and speed.

Embodying the Wish Fulfilled

Neville Goddard’s concept of "living in the wish fulfilled" is a powerful technique for manifestation. This means not merely thinking or wishing for what you want, but feeling and acting as if your desire has already been fulfilled. It’s about embodying the state of your desired reality.

To practice this, vividly imagine your desired outcome in detail. Feel the emotions associated with this reality—joy, satisfaction, peace, excitement. Let these feelings permeate your being. For instance, if you are manifesting a new job, visualize yourself thriving in this role, interacting with colleagues, and enjoying your work. Feel the pride, excitement, and contentment as if it’s happening now.

The Esoteric Underpinnings of Feeling

Goddard’s teachings are deeply esoteric, rooted in ancient mystical traditions that recognize the creative power of human consciousness. Feeling, in this context, is not merely an emotional response but a vibrational frequency that aligns us with the universal creative force. When we feel our desires as already fulfilled, we are tuning into the specific frequency of those desires, drawing them into our experience.

This esoteric understanding reveals that our feelings are the language of the soul, the means by which we communicate with the universe. Every feeling emits a vibrational signal that attracts corresponding experiences. By consciously choosing and maintaining feelings aligned with our desires, we become deliberate creators of our reality.

Practical Steps to Mastering the Art of Feeling

  1. Identify Your Desired Feelings: Reflect deeply on what you want to manifest and identify the core feelings associated with these desires. Are they feelings of love, security, joy, freedom, or success?

  2. Craft Present Tense Affirmations: Replace future-oriented statements with powerful present-tense affirmations. For instance, instead of saying, "I will be healthy," say, "I am vibrant health."

  3. Vivid Visualization with Emotion: Spend time daily visualizing your desires as already fulfilled. Engage all your senses in this practice and feel the emotions intensely.

  4. Consistent Emotional Alignment: Regularly check in with your emotional state. Ensure your predominant feelings are in harmony with your desired outcomes. If not, consciously shift them through affirmations, visualization, and other techniques.

  5. Meditative Practices: Engage in meditative practices that help you connect deeply with your inner self and cultivate the feelings of your desired reality. Meditation can help quiet the mind and allow you to focus on the feelings you wish to nurture.

  6. Gratitude and Appreciation: Cultivate feelings of gratitude and appreciation for your current blessings and for the manifestations you are drawing into your life. Gratitude raises your vibrational frequency and aligns you with your desires.

Final Reflections

Neville Goddard’s "Feeling is the Secret" offers a profound key to unlocking the mysteries of manifestation. By understanding and applying the power of feeling, we can transform our inner states and, consequently, our outer realities. Remember, you are the master of your feelings and, therefore, the creator of your reality. Embrace the power of feeling, live in the wish fulfilled, and watch your desires manifest effortlessly.

By integrating these teachings into your daily life, you will witness the extraordinary power of feeling in the manifestation process. Embrace this wisdom, practice it diligently, and become the conscious creator of your life.

Happy manifesting, dear seekers!


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